Tom bisio clinic
Tom bisio clinic

tom bisio clinic

Deftly interweaving his background in East Asian philosophy and history and his career in traditional Chinese medicine with his lifelong interest in the martial arts and military science, Bisio also presents examples of successful strategies from history's great commanders such as Sunzi, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and Mao Zedong. Decoding the Dao: Nine Lessons in Daoist Meditation, by Tom Bisio. and has previously studied Bagua Zhang Kung Fu with Tom Bisio.

tom bisio clinic

Every kung fu school uses a form of trauma liniment to deal with the injuries incurred in daily training. Suggesting approaches for cultivating a strategic mindset that can be applied to one's relationships, work, and personal self-fulfillment, Beyond the Battleground offers methods of adapting to circumstances, conserving one's own resources, and avoiding or dissolving conflict that will aid any reader navigating the uncertainties of the changing world, including the business person, military theorist, or martial artist. Kevin is based in Sag Harbor, NY where he started his acupuncture clinic specializing in. (adapted from Tooth from the Tiger’s Mouth by Tom Bisio) Trauma liniment (die da jiu), whose name in Chinese literally means hit-fall-wine, is the number one remedy for bruises, contusions, sprains and fractures. and traditional Chinese medicine Bisio heads a clinic in New York City. The original text on Sleeping Meditation, translated by Tom Bisio and Huang Guo Qi, comes from the Ming Dynasty book, Chi Feng Sui (Marrow of the Red Phoenix). Katherine is the Dean and Clinic Director at our school, and she teaches classes on fundamental theory, herbal medicine, clinical research, clinical skills, and acupuncture point location. the Yijing (Book of Changes), and Chinese martial arts theory, Tom Bisio.

tom bisio clinic

Drawing on ideas from classical military strategy, the Yijing (Book of Changes), and Chinese martial arts theory, Tom Bisio presents a fascinating exploration of how insights from these sources can be deployed to manage crisis situations in all aspects of our daily lives. She is a student and assistant for Tom Bisio at New York Internal Arts (NYIA) and International Arts International (IAI).

Tom bisio clinic